Vinkelbatteri med mines och 3 olikfärgade strobe och guld effekter, dessa alterneras med titanium saluter på vartannat skott.
1.) Alternating per shot:
a) Blue with gold strobe mine to gold titanium tail to gold titanium willow with gold strobe and blue peony
b) Blue with gold strobe mine to gold titanium tail to titanium salute
2.) Alternating per shot:
a) Blue with green strobe mine to corolla tail to corolla with green strobe and blue peony
b) Blue with green strobe mine to corolla tail to titanium Salute
3.) Alternating per shot:
a) Blue with red strobe mine to brocade tail to brocade crown with red strobe and blue peony
b) Blue with red strobe mine to brocade tail to titanium salute
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